Welcome to Clifford Associates blog

Saturday 6 October 2007

Clifford Associates Amazon affiliation

Im now an affiliate of amazon and own an Amazon store which is really good, i'm going to probably be selling everything amazon has to offer but in the meantime, i'm selling books and games and consoles, so everyone, have a look at my store!

Monday 1 October 2007

How to Create a Great Lawn

This is the second gardening guide by Jon Daly, again just as witty and helpful as the last. This time he's educating you on Garden Lawns! and well how to make the perfect one.

Go here to get your awesome Garden Lawn

heres the ebook description;

Ebook & Download Store: "This book will help you plan and create a great lawn. It will noy help you produce a bowling green, but it will assist in helping you produce a lawn that is good to look at without you becoming a slave to it. A bit of careful preparation before you start then regular care, is all that's required"

again, Go here to get your awesome Garden Lawn

you'll be the coolest household in your 'hood

How to create a Garden Pond

Alot of you probably wondered when the first gardening books would appear! well now they finally have!, albeit only two at the moment. They are written by Jon Daly, you might of heard of him before, he writes these ebooks in a manner that makes it a enjoyable read even if you don't intend to actually make a garden pond, if you do intend to make one, then it's just a bonus!

go here for a better look it

heres the product/ebook description;

Ebook & Download Store: "A garden pond, with the right planning and stocked with the right kind of aquatic plants and fish, will be a marvellous asset to your garden, attracting a great many wild animals and eventually becoming a miniture nature reserve. It is possible to have a pond which is self sustaining, requiring only occasional maintainence to keep it in good condition."

damn straight it's a garden pond

Free $50

On friday night i was studying this system for a while and it seems fullproof, i was sat ther elike na this aint gonna happen but slowly i came round to the idea, I was about to go ahead
with this then i found my credit card----------it's a co-op card-----------so that reallllly ticked me off!!

maybe you'll be more sucessful-have a look here

heres the product description in the meantime;

Ebook & Download Store: "This eBook will make you money as long as you put a little work into it and treat it as a business. However, The first $50 you make will be unbeliveably simple. All you need is access to a computer, a valid visa, MasterCard or Eurocard, about 2 to 3 hours a day and the ability to follow some simple instructions in order to succeed. That is all that it takes. By the time you have that free $50 in your account, you'll believe that you can achieve sucess, and this ebook will show you how to go out and get it. So all you have to do is workout which luxury car you'd like and where you'd like to go for your next trip, and start believeing that you deserve a better life. So, anyone who doesnt get beyond this ebook. Could possibly be making a big mistake."

Visit my webpage now!

The Lowdown on Credit Cards

This is the in's and out's up's and down's of all the major credit cards, if you want to find out more about your credit card or they seems to be a black art like they are to me. This will be a great read. Im losing track of all the great books i want to read!

go here now,

heres the description to pad you out for now;

Ebook & Download Store: "Ever wondered just how is it possible for you to get out of debt? Are you thinking about accepting credit cards on your website? Would you like to know how you can increase your credit card limit? Have you ever thought how to protect yourself against identity theft? The answers to these questions and many more are revealed in this very informative information guide. The content in this ebook was derived from experts in their fields and basically, people who know what they are talking about!"

Get the book here

Again....another crazy weekend of--

Nothing, just tiredness and unwinding, I did prepair some ebooks to upload, so you'll see more updates very shortly. But it's been pretty Grim hear in Good old England and i coudn't do much else. Sooo yep, i'll update my ebooks in a little while, within the Next 5 minutes Hopefully